Published on July 23, 2004 By Doudar In Stardock Software
I have been using Objectdock Plus for a few days now and was wondering were you can download extra docklets fromand how do you install them? I have tried using the ones for Objectdock but keep getting an error that I don’t have the application installed.



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on Sep 11, 2004
I get the same error. Bug in ObjectDoc. Anyone to be of help?


on Sep 11, 2004
Any ObjectDock Docklet should work. Did either of you install OD+ over the free version? If so, uninstall, reboot, install.
on Sep 12, 2004
No, I installed direct the plus version. Tried uninstall/reboot/reinstall still says the files aren't on the box to apply the "theme" downloaded.
I even imaged back before I installed Doc and reinstalled to default location. Same problem.

Love the app but it's annoying to have it tell you it's now installed.


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